One of the most obvious differences is the gentle painless way in which the adjustment is given. The specific adjustment is so light that patients who may expect painful manipulations as part of their treatment find it hard to believe that anything effective has been accomplished. Their doubts quickly vanish when their pain and discomfort disappear.
In addition to Atlas Orthogonal technique, Dr. Lynn uses Activator Methods and Thompson Pelvic adjusting procedures. There are also times when Dr. Lynn may utilize traditional manipulation.
Trauma such as falls, jolts, jars, and accidents. Organic disturbances and emotional stress are also causes.
A misaligned vertebra causes a neurological disturbance. Nerves are the pathways by which the brain and nervous system control all function. When a neurological disturbance occurs, there is a disruption in the communication system of the body. One or more parts of the system begin to function incorrectly and health starts to fail. The longer the misalignment is allowed to exist, the greater the damage.
When a vertebra is adjusted to its proper position, the neurological disturbance is removed and nerve pathways begin to function properly. This adjustment allows the body to repair the damaged areas.
How quickly your problem responds to Chiropractic care depends on several factors, such as your age, length of time you have had the issue, and the severity of your condition. Also your cooperation in keeping appointments, your desire to follow instructions, and your own personal outlook can greatly reduce the time it will take to heal.
There are two challenges before us. One is to get you feeling better as soon as possible. The other is to do the best we can to correct, strengthen, and stabilize your spine. Most patients find some relief after the very first adjustment. With each successive visit, you should notice greater improvement and increased well-being. In order to make sure your problem has been corrected and stabilized, you must allow enough time to permit weakened muscles and ligaments to strengthen and adjust to their correct positions. We will do everything in our power to help make you well again.
We begin care by taking a case history to determine the origin of your problem. Next, we perform a physical examination along with ortho -pedic and neurological examinations to discover the nature and extent of your problem. Then, if indicated, we take a radiographic examination (x-rays) to better see what is going on with your spine. “To see is to know, not to see is to guess.” Dr. Lynn will not guess about your health. The information gathered from these examinations help to formulate the best approach to correct your problem.
This office is dedicated to restoring, maintaining, and building good health through natural, safe, scientific Chiropractic methods. Most of all, we offer you our sincere interest and keen desire to get you well and keep you well. Please Contact us to schedule your appointment today!
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Phone: (706) 782-7005
Fax: (877) 525-2590
156 North Main Street Clayton, GA 30525-4266
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Mon-Tues-Wed-Friday 9:00 - 12:00
(lunch) 1:30 – 5:30
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